Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Éric Debarbieux

Professor at Bordeaux II University and President of the International Observatory on Violence in School

He is a professor of Educational Sciences at Bordeaux Segalen University and directs the International Observatory on Violence in School. He has worked in a number of countries including Switzerland, Brazil, Poland, Canada, Mexico and Argentina studying his specialist subject: violence in schools.
Notable works:
La violence dans la classe, (1990)
La violence en milieu scolaire: état des lieux, (1996)
La violence en milieu scolaire: le désordre des choses, (1999)
L'oppression quotidienne: enquête sur une délinquance des mineurs, (2003)
Violences à l'école: un défi mondial, (2006)
Les dix commandements contre la violence à l'école, (2008)

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Improving the school environment: why and how?

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