Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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All the debates about education

Keys to the success of education in Finland

Reijo Laukkanen

The OECD's PISA reports have given rise to a tremendous debate all over the world. The title of the most recent report, <i>Learning for tomorrow's world</i> (OECD...

Education and economics

Martin Carnoy

We should not accept the myth that lifelong learning is now possible, as according to empirical studies, only a certain group of people have access to ongoing learning: it is the...

Education of the future and values

Javier Elzo

The dominant value systems in western society over the last fifty years have conditioned current individual issues. Within an overall trend of delegation of responsibilities, we...

The young and the education of the future

Cecilia Braslavsky

Since 1934, UNESCO's International Bureau of Education has organised the International Conference on Education (ICE), a worldwide forum to establish dialogue between education...

The cornerstones of education in the future

Juan Carlos Tedesco

It has been asserted that learning to learn and learning to live together are the two cornerstones that reflect the new challenges education must face in the context of the far-...

Education, learning and technology in the knowledge society

Manuel Castells

The speaker analyses the transformation of the educational system around the world, based on the structural changes we are experiencing, which can be explained through a...


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