Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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The State of Education in Catalonia. Priorities and Proposals Following the Catalan Education Law (LEC)

Ferran Ferrer, Ramon Farré, Ramon Plandiura

Ferran FerrerMain conclusions drawn from the study 'The State of Education in Catalonia. Annual Report 2008'• In the decade since 2000 we have progressed in designing a model of...

The Influence of Origin and Destination Countries in Immigrant Pupils’ Performance

Jaap Dronkers

“The educational characteristics of the origin country are more important than those of the destination country” Object of research • Analyse performance at school of immigrant...

Schools and immigration: ideas and realities

Julio Carabaña

The educational system• The educational system is one of the social sub-systems in which the lowest levels of tension are produced by the processes of immigration. Unlike the...

Segregation in schools: social and political challenges

Vincent Dupriez

What is considered segregation?Segregation is the unequal distribution of individuals depending on their specific traits. In the area of schools, this may occur due to academic...

The Crisis of Social Cohesion: School and Employment at a Time of Uncertainty

Robert Castel

What has caused the present crisis?The crisis that we are currently facing is a dramatic episode of a deeper process of crisis that saw its origins at the end of the 1970s and...


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