Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Valerie Hannon

Director, Consultancy Support in Learning Futures and Learning Frontiers (Global Education Leaders’ Program)

Valerie Hannon is a Board Director of the Innovation Unit and a founder faculty member of the Global Education Leaders Program. She began her career as a secondary school teacher in London, and has subsequently been a senior researcher (University of Sheffield) and a Director of Education (Derbyshire UK). She led on education policy for the UK Equal Opportunities Commission, and following her work on the Commission on Creative and Cultural Education became adviser to the UK government on learning and creativity. In her independent career she has designed and developed next practice programs for systems, schools and districts. She is regularly engaged as consultant adviser by overseas strategic agencies. Valerie is a senior consultant to the OECD Innovative Learning Environments program, and consultant adviser to the World Innovation Summit on Education (WISE) Doha.


Her new book, Learning a Living, on innovation in education and the world of work, will be published in November and launched at 2012 WISE event.

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How can we build an engaged educational community? How can we fight disaffection with school?


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