Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Vincent Dupriez

Sociologist and Head of Studies at Paris's École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)

After working for more than 10 years training professors, he is now professor of Educational Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven.
His current research, conducted in the framework of GIRSEF (Interfaculty Research Group for Education and Training Systems), deals with analysis of educational policies and their effects.
These are some of his works:
L’efficacité dans l’enseignement. Promesses et zones d’ombre, by Xavier Dumay, Vincent Dupriez. De Boeck Université, coll. Pédagogies en développement, 2009.
Coordonner, collaborer, coopérer. De nouvelles pratiques enseignantes , by Jean-François Marcel, Vincent Dupriez, Danièle Perisset Bagnoud, Maurice Tardif. De Boeck Université, coll. Perspectives en éducation et formation, 2007.
Inequalities in school systems: effect of school structure or of society structure?, by Vincent Dupriez, Xavier Dumay, 2006.
La rénovation de l’école primaire. Comprendre les enjeux du changement pédagogique, by Vincent Dupriez, Jacques Cornet. De Boeck Université, coll. Pédagogies en développement, 2005.

Was speaker in...

Segregation in schools: social and political challenges


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