Director's Fellow at MIT Media Lab and Co-founder of Peer 2 Peer University, MIT Learning Creative Learning and OpenCourseWare Consortium
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”
The image of the lecturer at the front of an auditorium giving a master class has been repeated throughout the history of universities and continues to be the basis of university teaching.
For Philipp Schmidt, these master classes are not the educational experiences that motivate learning or have the greatest impact on students.
A few examples:
With the four “Ps”:
The following are three principles that the MIT Media Lab proposes for what projects should be like to have maximum impact.
Technology can be used to perpetuate the classical model of teaching. For example, watching a video is a one-way task. The student listens and there’s no interaction. It’s the same model as the master class.
However, for Schmidt, technology can change the education paradigm in the same way that the book did in its day as, thanks to the internet, we have an open network where everyone can connect and contribute. It’s not like radio or television, which are one-way. It’s interactive. We can speak and listen. It is the basis of peer-to-peer teaching.
There are motivated people all over the world. Yet opportunities are not shared equally. Technology can increase the opportunities to access collaborative learning.
“Open social learning is the future.”
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