Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Boris Cyrulnik

French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst famed as the father of the term resilience.

Boris Cyrulnik is a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and one of the founders of human ethology. Professor at the University of Var in France and head of a research group into clinical ethology at Toulon Hospital, he is also the author of numerous books.

It is not by chance that Dr Cyrulnik has researched so thoroughly into childhood trauma and the concept of resilience: at seven years of age, he saw how his entire family, Jewish émigrés of Russian origin, were deported to concentration camps, never to return.

You can find a list of his books translated into Spanish at this link.

Photo: B. Cyrulnik (c) DRFP Odile Jacob

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How should we build resilient schools to foster all students' learning?


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