Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

José Antonio Marina

Philosopher, essayist and educational expert, Director of the Universidad de Padres (University for Parents)

José Antonio Marina is a teacher, philosopher and essayist. His research has focussed on the study of intelligence. Among other works, he is the author of the essays entitled Elogio y refutación del ingenio (Anagrama Essay Prize and National Essay Prize), Teoria de la inteligencia creadora, Ética para náufragos, La inteligencia fracasada and Por qué soy cristiano. He frequently appears in the press, and on radio and television. He is currently collaborating in the Movilización Educativa and Universidad de Padres projects that look to overcome the current challenges for education.
Latest publications:
J. A. Marina, M. T. Rodríguez de Castro (2009). La conspiración de las lectoras. Anagrama
J. A. Marina (2010). Las culturas fracasadas, El talento y la estupidez de las sociedades.
J. A. Marina (2011). La educación del talento. Ariel.
J. A. Marina (2011). El cerebro infantil. La gran oportunidad. . Ariel.
J. A. Marina (2011). Los secretos de la motivación. Ariel.

Was speaker in...

The Education of Talent: The Role of Schools and Families

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