Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Kristen Swanson

Chair of the Edcamp Foundation Board

Director of Learning at Slack, she is one of the founding members of the Edcamp movement and current member of the Edcamp Foundation Board. She also works at BrightBytes, an online research platform to analyse actions that improve learning and reaches 10 million students around the world, where she is responsible for professional learning.

Kristen Swanson has taught at elementary level, has been regional consultant for Response to Intervention, has worked as an educational technology director for a public school district in Pennsylvania, and has developed curriculum together with Dr Grant Wiggins of Understanding by Design.

Moreover, she is also a prolific author and blogger and is passionate about sharing the organic learning message. She has been invited to share her ideas at the ASCD conference, TEDxPhiladelphiaEd, TEDxNYED, EDUCON, and many other events.

She holds a bachelor's degree from DeSales University, two master's degrees from Wilkes University, and a doctoral degree in Education from Widener University. She now lives in San Francisco.

Was speaker in...

The Edcamp movement: a peer-to-peer learning initiative for educators


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