Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Miquel Martínez

Professor of Educational Theory, University of Barcelona

He is Professor of Education Theory at the University of Barcelona and member of the research group on education in moral development and values (GREM).
He has been Dean of the Faculty of Education and Vice Rector of the University of Barcelona. He is currently Head of its Institute of Education Sciences.
He participates as a consultant and assessor in a range of projects, agencies, institutions, educational administrations and universities in Spain and abroad.
He is a member of Barcelona's Civic Behaviour Board and collaborates on the OEI (Ibero-American States Organisation for Education, Science and Culture) "Education in values" programme. He is a founding member of Barcelona's Escola Projecte (Project School).
He is author and co-author of a number of books and articles, including: Educación moral y democràcia (together with Josep Puig) (1989); El contrato moral del profesorado (1998); Un lugar llamado escuela en la sociedad de la información y la diversidad (co-editor alongside Carlota Bujons) (2001); La convivencia en los centros de secundaria. Estrategias para abordar el conflicto (co-editor alongside Amelia Tey) (2003); Qué significa educar en valores hoy (co-editor alongside Guillermo Hoyos) (2004); La formación en valores en sociedades democráticas (co-editor alongside Guillermo Hoyos) (2006); Propuestas para el cambio docente en la universidad (co-editor alongside Salvador Carrasco) (2006), and Formar ciudadanos europeos (various authors) (2007).

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Teachers and the Catalan educational system. Proposals for debate.


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