Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

How education can change Brazil. The current situation and prospects for the future

About the speaker

Cristovam Buarque

15/11/05 07.30 pm

PhD in Economics, professor at the University of Brasilia (where he was Chancellor from 1985 to 1989) and member of the UNESCO Institute for Education.

Audio (in Spanish)

Brazil is the world's fifteenth economic power, but only 71st in terms of education

Brazil has had a tumultuous history, with 200 years of slavery, 70 years of dictatorship and a republic since then, but always with obvious inequalities between the rich and poor. An authentic revolution in education is required in Brazil. For the speaker, education represents the only way to build a modern, supportive and efficient country. His aims are to eliminate illiteracy, to guarantee quality public schooling for all children over four, teacher training, the modernising of schools and teaching methods (including distance education) and the reforming of Brazilian universities, to ensure their ability to respond to the ethical and technical challenges of the 21st century.

The revolution is possible. In a country with 20 million people who are illiterate, it should not come as a surprise that the education problem can be resolved when there are 100 million literate adults, 3 million university students and 1.5 million teachers.

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