Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Jean-Ives Rochex

Psychologist at the University of Paris VIII Saint-Denis and founding member of the EScol (Education Schooling) research group

Jean-Yves Rochex is professor at the University of Pairs VIII. His research work focuses on social inequalities in access to knowledge and training; priority education policies in France and Europe; teaching and learning practices in popular settings; interchange between subjective and cognitive aspects of the school experience; the social genesis of psychism, and the sociology of education.
School district superintendent (7 years)
Selected bibliography
Bernard Charlot, Élisabeth Bautier and Jean-Yves Rochex, École et savoir dans les banlieues… et ailleurs, Paris, Armand Colin, 1992.
Jean-Yves Rochex, Expérience scolaire et procès de subjectivation. L’élève et ses milieux, Executive Summary for Habilitation to Direct Research, University of Paris VIII, 2000.
Élisabeth Bautier and Jean-Yves Rochex, Henri Wallon. L'enfant et ses milieux, Paris, Hachette-Éducation, coll. Portraits d'éducateurs, 1999.
Jean-Yves Rochex, “Pratiques de savoir et culture scolaire : un impensé de la démocratisation ? Pour une conception forte de la question culturelle et de la question sociale à l’École”, paper presented at La crise de la culture scolaire, University of Paris I - INRP, September 2003, in François Jacquet-Francillon and Denis Kambouchner, La crise de la culture scolaire, Paris, PUF, 2005, 331-348.
Jean-Yves Rochex, “Le lycée de masse : entre démocratisation et segregation”, in Jacky Beillerot and Nicole Mosconi (eds), Traité des sciences et des pratiques de l’éducation, Paris, Dunod, 2006, 229-241.

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Evolution of priority education policies and the challenge of equality


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