Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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How education can change Brazil. The current situation and prospects for the future

Cristovam Buarque

Brazil is the world's fifteenth economic power, but only 71st in terms of educationBrazil has had a tumultuous history, with 200 years of slavery, 70 years of dictatorship and a...

Why aren't schools companies?

Christian Laval

The current education policy dominating the world and, therefore, Europe obeys a dogmatic model that assimilates formal education and, increasingly, any educational activity into...

Education: a right or a market?

Joan Coscubiela

The title of this talk raises two questions. The first question would be: Is education principally a human right geared to people's development and personal growth, or should it...

Education of the future and values

Javier Elzo

The dominant value systems in western society over the last fifty years have conditioned current individual issues. Within an overall trend of delegation of responsibilities, we...

Policy Priorities for Equal Educational Opportunities in Catalonia

Xavier Bonal Sarró, Ferran Ferrer Julià and Miquel Àngel Essomba Gilabert

This is a reproduction of the third chapter, "Policy Priorities for Equal Educational Opportunities in Catalonia", from the book Política educativa i igualtat d'oportunitats (...


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