How do you create engaging learning environments? Recent attempts to reform Finnish schoolsSummary of ideas Some thoughts on education in FinlandIt is a system where the...
SummaryWhat is resilience?Neuroscience has shown that after suffering a situation that has caused extreme emotional pain, brain functions are disrupted and the brain does not work...
SummaryWhat are the elements of games that are useful in the learning process?The creation of experiences that make the learning process irresistible.It is a question of applying...
SummaryThe aim of education has to be to achieve success in life, considering success in its broadest sense. But we live in times where the future is uncertain, where past trends...
Summary of ideasWhat are the key elements that make adult learning meaningful?Learning that is self-led and autonomous. We choose what and how we want to learn. Social. To learn,...
Doug Lemov believes in promoting the work of the many teachers who, as individuals, put into practice initiatives to achieve great results. These initiatives are, at times,...
SUMMARY"Don't look at England; it's not a good model"What is the current status of education in England?It is driven by neo-liberal criteria. Competitiveness is the overriding...
SummaryA dialogue needs to take place between neuroscientists and educators particularly with regard to breaking neuromyths - theories that have become deep-rooted among teachers...
SummaryNancy Madden developed a line of research in the 1980s at John Hopkins University aimed at finding practical actions to increase educational success for students from...
Main ideasThe problem of disaffection with education that many students experience is a concern around the world, both in countries with good academic results and those with more...
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