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International consultant on the use of technologies for educational reform, and social and economic development
To adapt to the knowledge society and economy, we need to change education. Society has changed, but education still looks the way it did at the start of the 20th century.
We need to follow the example of educational best practices (according to an OECD and McKinsey study):
Robert B. Kozma establishes a scale of knowledge that takes into account the holistic context (all the social components) and links educational change to economic development.
1. Basic education. Aim for the highest levels of participation in basic education to achieve the highest levels of health and wellbeing. This is the aim, for example, in African countries.
2. Knowledge acquisition. Aim to increase participation in secondary education. This is the aim of developed economies.
The two higher levels are knowledge deepening and knowledge creation. Kozma believes that these two levels correspond to societies such as the Catalan society.
3. Knowledge deepening.
4. Knowledge creation.
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