Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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François Dubet

French sociologist, professor at the University of Bordeaux II and Director of Studies at Paris’s École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

François Dubet is a French sociologist, lecturer at the University of Bordeaux II and director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He is the author of numerous works devoted to youth marginalisation, school and institutions and has led the Le Collège 2000 study for the French School Education Ministry.
During his professional career, he has taken part in the reflections of the intellectuals in the La République des Idées group, started by Pierre Rosanvallon and Thierry Pech
In 1991, he was appointed senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France for a period of five years, renewed in 1996.
His principal idea, largely developed in many of his works, is inherited from the sociology of Alain Touraine and the dismantling of the figure of the institution. According to Dubet, we have entered late modernity, a long socio-historic process promoting the subjective figure and responsible for the deconstruction of the institution.
Some of his most important works are:
La Galère : jeunes en survie,Fayard, 1987
El declive de la institución: profesiones, sujetos e individuos en la modernidad2006
La escuela de las oportunidades: ¿Qué es una escuela justa?
Injustices,Seuil, 2006
L'expérience sociologique,La Découverte, coll. Repères, 2007
Faits d'école,éditions de l'EHESS, 2008
Travail des sociétés,Seuil, 2009

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Decline of Schools and Conflicts of Principles


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