Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Jorge Wagensberg

Director of CosmoCaixa Barcelona

He is a lecturer in Theory of irreversible processes in the Physics Faculty at the University of Barcelona.
Since 1991, he has directed the "Fundació la Caixa " Museum of Science, a pioneering institution in its category, recently remodelled and extended under the name CosmoCaixa Barcelona.
He has published around a hundred research papers in fields as diverse as thermodynamics, mathematics, biophysics, microbiology, palaeontology, entomology, scientific museology and the philosophy of science in specialist international journals.
Among other works, Jorge Wagensberg has written Nosotros y la ciencia (1980), Ideas sobre la complejidad del mundo (1985), Amazonia, ilusiones ilustradas (1996), Introducció a la teoria de la probabilitat i la informació (1996), Ideas para la imaginación impura (1998), Si la naturaleza es la respuesta ¿cuál era la pregunta? (2002) and La rebelión de las formas (2004).

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Educating on the border between intuition and comprehension


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