Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Mats Ekholm

Professor and Head of the Research Group on Development and Socialisation in Schools at the University of Karlstad Former Director General of Education for the Swedish Ministry of Education

Mats Ekholm is a professor and head of the Research Group on Development and Socialisation in Schools at the University of Karlstad (Sweden).
He has worked as a researcher at the University of Gothenburg and was director of the National School for Leadership (for headmasters and headmistresses).
He has held several positions within the Swedish Ministry of Education. From 1999 to 2002, he was Director General of the Swedish National Agency for Education; in 2003, he was named Director General of the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement; and, from 2004 to 2005, he was Director General of the Ministry of Education.
Mats Ekholm is the author of more than 180 scientific texts. He has published several books and articles for both an international audience and the Sweden market. Many of his books deal with school leadership and school organisation.
His most recent works are:
Learning about learning among teachers i A vision of European Teaching and Learning. Perspectives on the New Role of the Teacher(2006). The Learning Teacher Network, Karlstad.
Individuelle Förderung als Leitbild der Schulreform in Schweden i Vorbildfunktion vs Entsorgungspädagogik. Schulpolitik und Bildung in Skandinavien und Deutschland(2007). Edition Kirchhof und Franke, Leipzig und Berlin.
Institutionalised School Leader Education(2007). Paper presented at the EERA annual meeting in Gent, 2007-09-19.
School inspections and school development in Sweden – a waste of time and money (2008). Paper presented at the ICSEI annual meeting in Auckland, New Zealand 6-9 January, 2008.

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Responsibility, autonomy and evaluations for the improvement of schools


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