Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Zygmunt Bauman

Sociologist, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds

Zygmunt Bauman is, without doubt, one of the European thinkers producing the most extensive and original work.
He was born in 1925 in Poznan, Poland. He taught sociology at the University of Warsaw between 1954 and 1968, when, as part of an anti-Semitic purge, he lost his place as a professor and emigrated to Israel. He has lived in England since 1971, where he was professor at the University of Leeds until he retired in 1990.
His work focuses on subjects such as social classes, socialism, the move from modernity to post-modernity, globalization and the new poor.
He invented concepts such as "liquid modernity" or "liquid love" which refer to the evaporation of traditional links and have become part of the common cultural language of the 21st century.
Amongst his recent works, the following stand out: "Educational Challenges of the Liquid Modern-Era", and "Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty".

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Education in the world of the diasporas


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