Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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Decline of Schools and Conflicts of Principles

François Dubet

Society has to learn not to expect everything from schools?Principal ideaIt is paradoxical that we should be speaking of the decline of the school institution in France at a time...

Educational Excellence for Everyone: A Possible Reality

Roser Salavert

Main idea Educational excellence is possible in a multicultural social context, with a high ratio of newcomers, with low basic education levels, with associated social problems (...

Uncertainty and creativity: educating for the knowledge society

Daniel Innerarity

IntroductionThe concept of what it means to be educated has evolved over time. At different points in history it has meant attaining perfection, mastering a harmonious body of...

The State of Education in Catalonia. Priorities and Proposals Following the Catalan Education Law (LEC)

Ferran Ferrer, Ramon Farré, Ramon Plandiura

Ferran FerrerMain conclusions drawn from the study 'The State of Education in Catalonia. Annual Report 2008'• In the decade since 2000 we have progressed in designing a model of...

The Crisis of Social Cohesion: School and Employment at a Time of Uncertainty

Robert Castel

What has caused the present crisis?The crisis that we are currently facing is a dramatic episode of a deeper process of crisis that saw its origins at the end of the 1970s and...

Responsibility, autonomy and evaluations for the improvement of schools

Mats Ekholm

Main ideaThe Swedish education system is based on the concept of inclusive schooling (a single school for everyone), where each student follows a personal education plan. At the...

Education in the world of the diasporas

Zygmunt Bauman

Liquid-modern culture, unlike the culture of the nation-building era, has no 'people' to 'cultivate'. It has instead clients to seduce. And unlike its 'solid modern' predecessor,...

Bottom of the Class

Daniel Pennac

Daniel Pennac was a student with a disability known as dysorthographia which hindered his ability to remember information and he had difficulties when it came to learning...

Educating on the border between intuition and comprehension

Jorge Wagensberg

Intuition involves relating one fragment of reality with another perceived in the past. Comprehension involves relating a fragment of reality with one of its intelligible...

Education of the future and values

Javier Elzo

The dominant value systems in western society over the last fifty years have conditioned current individual issues. Within an overall trend of delegation of responsibilities, we...


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