Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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All the debates about future

Envisaging the future of education. 10 years of debates with the educational community

Núria García Quera and Júlia Martí Comas

This book contains the reflections of internationally renowned experts from the world of education on the role of education in the knowledge society, a constantly changing society...

Creating schools that prepare for the future

Richard Gerver

 Main ideas Richard Gerver, former head of Grange primary school, Long Eaton, UK, and expert in leadership, creativity and organizational change, believes that there are...

Education of the future and values

Javier Elzo

The dominant value systems in western society over the last fifty years have conditioned current individual issues. Within an overall trend of delegation of responsibilities, we...

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