Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

Curriculum and citizenship. What and why in school education

About the speaker

Cèsar Coll i Salvador

22/05/07 07.30 pm

PhD in Psychology and Professor of Evolutionary Psychology and Education at the University of Barcelona.

What baggage of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and competencies are needed to form part of today's and tomorrow's society? What cultural capital should students have acquired once they complete compulsory education?

In an increasingly globalised context, if we want to achieve a cohesive society ready to face up to the challenges of the immediate future and, likewise, a country that maintains those elements that set it apart, we should not turn our back on the need to reflect and debate on what should form part of the schoolbag of content that our sons and daughters gain once they complete compulsory education.

The aim of the book presented by Cèsar Coll is just this, to drive and promote reflection on the school curriculum so as to compile a series of conclusions and proposals relating to this content and its definition. These pages are particularly valuable thanks to the independent perspective and the fact that they go beyond the urgent requirements seen in the day-to-day management of the education system.

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