Fundació Jaume Bofill Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Thinking about future challenges of education in Catalonia

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All the debates about Catalonia

Teachers and the Catalan educational system. Proposals for debate.

Miquel Martínez

The debate on the public role of teaching is now a priority on the agendas of those forming part of the educational community. This was made clear in the working sessions of the...

Catalonia’s teachers

Francesc Pedró

Francesc Pedró presents the study entitled “Teachers in Catalonia”. The report, based on a survey of 4,000 Catalan primary and secondary school teachers, offers an analysis of...

Can education be improved?

Jordi Pujol

Making positive changes to education is not at all easy, whether in Catalonia or Europe. It requires political bravery. This has been the case in Scandinavian countries, but not...

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Debats d’Educació

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